Rosemary is contained in Hildegard’s Medicine Book.
Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) was known as the first herbalist and naturopath of the middle ages. Her book documented over 12,000 remedies for symptoms and diseases.
What is the Genus Species:
Why is this information important:
A chemotype (CT) is a designation that tells you that the species has different chemical constituents. This usually occurs because the plant is grown in a different area under a distinct climate that alters the chemistry.
This is extremely important information.
Rosemary Chemotypes -
Rosmarinus officinalis CT camphor – This plant is extremely high in camphor. Is considered a powerful energy stimulant. Grown in Spain and Croatia.
Rosmarinus officinalis CT 1, 8 cineol - This plant is stimulating and is the subject of this website. Grown in Morocco and Tunisia.
Rosmarinus officinalis CT verbenon – This is considered the most gentle of the chemotypes. It is used for skin care because of its dominant regenerative properties. Grown in Corsica.
Where is the name derived from? Rosemary comes from a latin word "ros marinus" meaning "rose or dew of the sea."
What Part of the Plant is Used:
What is the ORAC Value:
Why know about this number:
What are the Plant Properties:
What are the Documented Uses for Rosemary:
What is the Aromatic Affect on the Mind:
What is the Spiritual Influence:
Even the Greeks and Romans used it to understand loyalty.
Promotes circulation of Qi energy and blood.
How do I use it:
Use diluted - 50:50 dilution in grapeseed oil,
Apply to reflex points
Directly inhale
Diffuse, or
May be used as a dietary supplement.
Can this Oil be used for Pets:
Note about Animal Use:
What are the Safety Precautions:
However, those with high blood pressure or prone to seizures should avoid using this oil. Additionally, children under 4, pregnant women or women who are breast feeding should NOT use this oil.