Welcome to Spikenard and Myrrh!

No matter where we may be in our health management, there is always something that can be done to enhance and contribute to our overall health. ! The desire is to foremost share, learn, make available and to revive the connection of self-responsibility to our overall health. We welcome you to visit the blog from time to time to expand on you already pre-existing knowledge of health management, to read interesting historical information, stories, testimonies of people’ s personal experiences with essential oils and adjunct body therapies as well as to leave your very own footprint of knowledge on the blog.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Moxibuxation Therapy

Primarily used to stimulate and warm up areas of the body has poor to no blood and energy circulation.
Moxa therapy is done by using the herb mugwort that has been dried and roll in a compact cigar. One end of the cigar herb is burnt and placed indirectly above the skin to stimulate the meridians and energy points of the specific area. 

It warms up the skin and blood. It helps in dispersing coldness, stagnation and circulating energy in the body.
Especially effective with issues of cold extremities, and individuals that have a problem maintaining body warmth.
A 30 minutes session will consist of a massage to the area and followed with moxibuxation treatment.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cupping Therapy

Utilizes vacuum cups that are placed on the back , between the shoulders, back of neck, abdomen or any

 areas of discomfort to increase the circulation of the blood and energy.

The therapy draws out old injuries, pathogens, swelling to the surface of the skin

to be dispersed through the pores of the skin.

Traditionally used to increase the body's immunity response before the onset of the common cold or flu.

 especially effective for pain, restricted joints, muscles that are constantly aggravated by tension, diseases

 of the digestion, circulatory and respiratory systems, facial paralysis and high blood pressure.

This therapy is usually incorporated into a massage or can be performed by itself.

A 30 minutes session consist of a massage to the area and followed by the  Cupping treatment.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gua Sha Therapy

Gua means "to scrape or scratch" and Sha means " poison/toxic syndrome."

The "Sha" is brought up to the surface of the skin to be dispersed through

the pores of the skin by inducing a sweat. The process opens the meridians of the body and the "Sha" is

 signifies blood stagnation in the site of pain or discomfort.

Particularly effective for treating common colds, digestives disorders, disorders of the head, neck, chest,

shoulders, low back and pelvic region, loosens tight joints, muscles and connective tissues.

This therapy can be done by itself or incorporated into a massage.

A 30 minutes session will entail a massage to the specified area the followed by the Gua Sha treatment.


Sunday, March 25, 2012


This is a Japanese style massage that is performed on a mat, on the floor.

 A dry massage, that utilizes no oil or lotion.
This is ideal for the individual that want a gentle style of energy massage that consists

 of compression and acupressure point stimulation on energy meridians of the body.

This  Energy massage works on the body's blood circulatory and nervous system

  to revitalize and enhance the body's overall sense of wellbeing.


Friday, March 23, 2012

Thai Reflexology

Ancient Indian and Chinese physicians were using the feet to diagnose, cure and prevent diseases for more than 5,000 years. Thai reflexology is documented to have its origins in India and the practice was disseminated in Thailand by Indian Buddhist monks. The practice then merged with the existing Thai folk medicine.
The feet are an excellent therapeutic tool due to the indirect connection of the reflexes associated with the organs and systems of the body. The stimulation of these reflexes can help to relieve muscle aches and pains, promote relaxation, act as a curative for systemic illnesses, stimulate body systems, increase mental and emotional health, increase flexibility of the body, and restore the body’s overall homeostasis.

Thai reflexology differs from the main stream practice of reflexology, primarily because it utilizes manual and tool application. The tools are usually made of bamboo, coconut shell, bone, gold or silver, jade or a dense hardwood. The tool can be a pencil thin shape or a flat piece in the shape of a half moon. Thai reflexology also utilizes a medicated balm followed by a hot herbal compress or warm herbal foot soak. This style of foot reflexology is usually not recommended for ailing geriatrics and diabetic patients.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Pinda Sveda - Hot Poultice Treatment

A fomentation therapy that uses a poultice of herbs, grains or milk in a warmed medicated oil to thoroughly massage the body for relief of many illnesses. It is traditionally used for diseases that deal with the wasting away of muscular tissues, paraplegia, fibromyalgia, inflammation, and paralysis. This therapy helps to awaken cellular memory through intense stimulation caused by sweating. It stimulates fat tissues and releases sweat through the skin generating an overall warmth throughout the body. It is excellent also for slow digestion, arthritis, removal of body toxins, overall feeling of heaviness, cellulite problems and to fortify the body prior to or after a cold or upper respiratory disorders.

Monday, March 19, 2012


An Ayurvedic massage based on the vital energy points of the body where structures pulsate and pain and inflammation exist. It is used to revitalize, to strengthen, to stimulate, repair and heal the body.
The massages uses formulated herbal medicated oils for the constitution of the individual and the disease, to act directly on the blood-lymphatic and nervous systems. The warmed oil serves to cleanse and revitalize the body. Traditionally used on orthopedic injuries, fibromyalgia, inflammation of tissues and for martial artists. The massage promotes regeneration of tissues, organs and the internal systemic functions of the body. It also stimulates and improves skin, muscles, veins, arteries, circulation and nerves, strengthens lungs, intestines, bones and the digestive system. The added benefits include increasing bodily heat, oxygen flow, promotes vitality, flexibility, strength, concentration, intelligence, confidence, esteem and youthfulness.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


An ancient ayurvedic oil or herbal treatment is rhythmically dripped from a copper vessel on the center of the forehead. It is generally used to soothe and invigorate the senses and the mind and to induce a total state of wellness. This method has been known to treat insomnia, headaches, migraines, fatigue, mental exhaustion, hair loss, hearing loss, constipation, dryness of hair and scalp, blood disorders, digestive problems, anorexia, appetite loss, excessive sweating and conjunctivitis, to name a few. Each treatment includes a lymphatic drainage of the head, face and neck. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Urut is the Javanese word for massage.Widely practiced in the Malay-Indonesian Archipelago

Islands of South-East Asia, as a more specialized treatment for fractures, sprains, strains and

 other physical as well as psychological ailments. It is a precise and technical method that

uses the energetic body to stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation. It has been used to

encourage new cell growth, improve sexual vitality, treat impotence, reduce back pain and to

 reduce the appearance of cellulite. It uses techniques of pressing or pulling and herbal

 compresses on the body's meridian system, acupoints and nerve pathways.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Thai Massage

Thai Massage, performed on a comfortable floor mat, is a treatment in which the body’s energy lines are worked using palm presses, thumb presses and stretching poses to help energy flow more freely through the body. This traditional massage of Thailand feels like a combination of Yoga and Shiatsu. You will feel relaxed and rejuvenated after this full-body treatment.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Aromatherapy Hot Stone Massage

A variation on the classic massage utilizing hydrotherapy effects induced through heated smooth, flat basalt stones. This technique has its origins from ancient civilizations and tribal societies that have used it effectively for sore muscles and to induce a deep relaxation.

The stones are heated in water, placed strategically on the body and a single or pair of heated working stones is used to massage the each body part. Utilizing an emollient coconut oil base compounded with precious therapeutic grade essential oils, the warmth of the stones along with the gentle stimulation of massage will induce a deepen sense of relaxation and stimulate the circulation of energy and blood.

This is an excellent therapy for addressing backaches and pain, arthritic conditions, compromised circulation, stress reduction, insomnia and balances the emotional states. This is an excellent treatment for training athletes and geriatric age groups.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Lymphatic Massage

The most important benefit of lymphatic massage is its ability to enhance the function of the blood and lymphatic system, thereby reducing aches, pains, soreness and flu like symptoms. When lymph flow is enhanced, toxic and infectious materials as well as filtration of excess bodily substances like protein and water are removed effectively from the tissues.

Lymphatic massage utilizes a light pressure combined with soft pumping movements in the direction of the lymph nodes. It is used to increase the body's immune system. Reduces swelling or edema from injuries. Reduces joint pain, alleviates menstrual cramps, regulates mood irregularities, headaches/migraines, and arthritis. Increases the body's healing capacity after surgery by enhancing tissue regeneration. For breast cancer survivors that have had their lymph nodes removed it helps with the reduction of lymph congestion. Decreases swelling and bruising from cosmetic surgeries, liposuction, breast reduction and augmentation, and laser surgeries. 


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Therapeutic Deep Tissue Massage

The goal of this massage is rehabilitative in nature. This is a penetrating deep tissue manipulation with focused, and sustained compressions, stretching and lengthening of the muscles to increase flexibility in the joints and connective tissue.

 The benefits include postural realignment, alleviates and manages pain, increases the flexibility and range of motion in the joints, improves muscle tone, stimulates the nerves, restores elasticity in skin and connective tissue. It has the ability to release negative holding pattern from previous injuries.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Swedish Massage

A gentle pressured massage that is general in its application. Utilizing long massage strokes, with a non - pressurized kneading on the larger muscles of the body.

Ideal for the individual that desires a languishing experience. Also an excellent choice for geriatric patients and individuals that are hypersensitive to deep tissue and unable to receive a vigorous type of massage but need the touch therapy for restoration of circulation and general wellbeing.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Utilized by the ancients as a treatment or prevention of diseases by using the essential oils distilled from herbs, flowers, seeds, bark and roots. The basic mechanism is the influence of aroma and the pharmacological effects of the essential oils on the brain through the olfactory system.  It is a science and an art of utilizing the steam distilled essential oils of plants to promote and harmonize the management of health of the body, mind and spirit.

This is a holistic treatment for preventative of ailments and diseases. It is non-invasive, and natural addressing the body’s ability to maintain homeostasis, to heal, to regulate and maintain the overall health

The results are inducing relaxation, mood enhancement, pain relief and increased cognitive function. The essential oils are incorporated in a bodywork or energy work session. It can also be utilized outside of the therapy room to further enhance the treatment by inhalation or diffusing the essential oils as well as digesting the essential oils in food. Only Young Living oils are used as they are therapeutic grade – unadulterated by chemicals or man-made enhancements.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Raindrop Therapy

A spinal energy massage utilizing pharmaceutical therapeutic grade essential oils, developed by America’s leading aromatologist D. Gary Young of Young Living Essential Oils. 
Raindrop Technique consist of a spinal massage utilizing essential oils that are dropped on to the spine to stimulate energy impulses found along the nervous system. 
This is a therapy that works directly to balance the body, clear and realign the energy centers.

This therapy has long lasting effects past the therapy session.
An excellent therapy to create a mind-body connection and balance, to reduce spinal inflammations, headaches, relieve digestive complaints, increase the body’s immune system response and to eliminate viruses that hibernate along the spinal column.