Welcome to Spikenard and Myrrh!

No matter where we may be in our health management, there is always something that can be done to enhance and contribute to our overall health. ! The desire is to foremost share, learn, make available and to revive the connection of self-responsibility to our overall health. We welcome you to visit the blog from time to time to expand on you already pre-existing knowledge of health management, to read interesting historical information, stories, testimonies of people’ s personal experiences with essential oils and adjunct body therapies as well as to leave your very own footprint of knowledge on the blog.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Pinda Sveda - Hot Poultice Treatment

A fomentation therapy that uses a poultice of herbs, grains or milk in a warmed medicated oil to thoroughly massage the body for relief of many illnesses. It is traditionally used for diseases that deal with the wasting away of muscular tissues, paraplegia, fibromyalgia, inflammation, and paralysis. This therapy helps to awaken cellular memory through intense stimulation caused by sweating. It stimulates fat tissues and releases sweat through the skin generating an overall warmth throughout the body. It is excellent also for slow digestion, arthritis, removal of body toxins, overall feeling of heaviness, cellulite problems and to fortify the body prior to or after a cold or upper respiratory disorders.

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