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Thursday, June 7, 2012

TCM: Blood - The mother of qi

The ancient Chinese believed that we inherit our essence from our father and blood from our mother, both vital to human life, and the very life force and energy, qi, is closely identified with blood.
Qi and blood nourish the body; qi moves the blood; blood is the mother of qi. Losing blood weakens you. 
As TCM attaches great importance to blood as the carrier of nutrition and source of energy, it also emphasizes the need to help the blood regenerate quickly. Only by connection with the blood can the ethereal energy stay inside the body, so losing too much blood may involve losing energy as well.
Yet as long as the yuan qi, or the original energy, isn't damaged, the loss can be made up quickly.
TCM believes that blood is composed of nutrition and fluids from the foods we ingest. The stomach and spleen turn the foods into essence first, and then into red blood with the help of energy. Therefore, as long as both stomach and spleen function well, and the original energy is healthy, donating blood only involves a metabolic process at a quicker pace.
Herbs like dang gui (Chinese angelica), huang qi (astragalus root) and jujube fruit can help in the case of weakness.

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