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Thursday, September 6, 2012

The five flavors of food

Flavors : Pungent    
Organs affected : Lung, Large intestine    
   Effects: Promote distributions and circulations, and stimulate appetite.    

Food samples: Fresh ginger, onion, leeks, green onion, Sichuan peppercorn, garlic, celery, coriander, Chinese chives, fennel, spearmint, Chinese radish, radish leaf, chili pepper, sweet peppers, turnips, taro, leaf mustard, Shanghai cabbage, cinnamon, tangerine peel, kumquat, mustard seed and wine. 
Flavors : Sweet    
Organs affected : Stomach , Spleen    
Effects: Slow down acute reactions and neutralize the toxic effects of other foods, and also lubricate and nourish the body.    

Food samples: Honey, dates, shiitake mushroom, taro, sweet potato, potato, pumpkin, carrot, glutinous rice, peas, soybean, rice, wheat, corn, sugar cane, peanut, milk, apple, pears, cherry, chestnut, grapes, lotus seed, longan aril, carps and abalone.
Flavors : Sour    
Organs affected : Liver, Gall bladder    
Effects: The astringent character helps to arrest abnormal discharge of fluids and other substances from the body, such as diarrhea, emission and heavy sweating.    

Food samples: Lemon, tomatoes, pineapple, apple, strawberry, papaya, pears, loquat fruit, oranges, tangerines, peaches, hawthorn fruit, olives, pomegranate, plums, pomelo, mango, grapes, vinegar and royal jelly.
Flavors : Bitter    
Organs affected : Heart, Small intestine    
Effects: Clear heat, dry dampness, stimulate appetite, and promote lowering effects like urination and bowel movements.    

Food samples: Bitter gourd, Indian lettuce, wine, vinegar, lotus leaf, tea leaf, turnips, apricot seed, lily bulb, gingko, plum kernel, peach kernel, seaweed, pig's liver, bergamot, arrowhead, asparagus, wild cucumber and coffee.
Flavors : Salty    
Organs affected : Kidney, Bladder   
Effects: Dissipate accumulations, soften hardness, nourish blood, and lubricate intestines to induce bowel movements.    

Food samples: Amaranths, millet, barley, laver, preserved jellyfish, seaweed, kelp, sea clams, sea shrimps, oyster, crabs, sea cucumber, field snail, pork, pig's bone marrow, pig's blood, pig's organs, razor clam, dried mussel, ham, pigeon's egg, abalone, duck meat and cuttlefish.

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