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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Glossary for Ayurveda - Body Treatments

An ayurvedic oil massage practiced by two medics who massage to let go the warm oil into the tissues of the entire body. This helps loosen and facilitate the removal of accumulated ama (toxins) and the doshas (vata, pitta and kapha) from the body.  Abhyanga is a type of massage therapy which is used by practitioners of Ayurveda to treat their patients. The massage involves liberally covering the client in oil and then using smooth, gentle movements to rub the oil deeply into the body. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend that people receive abhyanga massage every day to keep their bodies balanced, healthy, and focused.

Type of Eye salves It is a type of eye treatment in which drops of herbal liquids are put into the eyes. This therapy prevents excess lacrimation, burning sensation and redness of eyes.   

Black pigment applied in eyes and eyelashes. 

Avagaha sveda
Sitz bath. The herbs to be used are boiled in water. The patient is asked to dip the affected part in it. It's most commonly used in arsh (piles).  

It refers to the enema therapy of panchkarma. Basti is the most effective treatment of vata disorder. Vata is a predominant site in the colon. In ayurveda basti involves the introduction of herbal solution of sesame in the rectum.
Basti relieves constipation, distention, chronic fever, cold, sexual disorders, kidney stones, heart pain, backache, sciatica and other joint pains like arthritis, rheumatism, gout, muscle spasm and headaches.   
Ayurvedic Vasti involves the introducing of liquids like medicated oils, herbal concoctions and milk through the perineum (through the anus, urinary meatus or vaginal orifice in women) in order to clean or heal the lower part of the body (below umbilical part). The toxins (ama) accumulated in the lower part of the body or the toxins pushed to the colon, urinary tract or reproductive tract by previous ayurvedic procedures like Oil-therapy (snehan) or Sweat-therapy (swedan) can be cleared with bastis.

Chavitti Uzhichil
Chavitti Uzhichil is a unique massage treatment. It is a blend of Ayurveda and Dhanurveda (Archery). This massage is done on the whole body using mainly the feet and also the palms by the masseur, putting medicated herbal oil all over the body and head of the person. The therapist gently moves the feet controlling the pressure, balancing on a rope hung on the ceiling. It gives very relaxing and soothing experience to the person who undergoes this treatment.

Dhara is an Ayurvedic treatment method, which includes the application of a continuous stream of mildly warm oil to the body parts. The name of dhara varies with the kind of material used for the dhara.

Meditation, One of the practices done for mental stability. When the manas (mind) attain the state of stability it is called dhyana. While in dhyana one should try to concentrate on one particular thing only.  

Dhanyamla dhara is dhara over different body parts other than head.

Ela Kizhi
Herbal poultices are prepared with various herbs and medicated powder. The entire body is massaged with these poultices after they are warmed in medicated oils. It promotes circulation and increases perspiration which in turn help the skin eliminate the wastes, thereby improving skin tone. Used as a  herbal treatment for stiffness, body pain, especially in the arthritis and paralysis.

Karna Puran ( Karnapooranam)

In Karna Puran or ear therapy, the ears are filled with herbo-mineral oils which lubricate the delicate filaments of the ear canal, dislodging impurities and sharpening hearing.

Karna Puran creates a feeling of deep restfulness and may be useful in treating insomnia. Earaches, deafness, ringing of the ears, headaches, giddiness, as well as tooth and gum diseases may benefit.

A unique treatment that involves a specific region of the body being soaked in a ‘pool’ of warm, medicated oil. A dam of herbal dough is 'built' on afflicted area, is filled with oil and then left to rest - relieving localised pain, tension and swelling. Leaves the region in question feeling extremely nourished. Kativasthi relieves chronic and acute backaches, muscle spasms, prolapsed disc, lumbar spondylosis, osteoporosis and sciatica. 

In yoga it is a breathing exercise in which the breath is retained in a state of suspense when the mind is relaxed. This exercise re vitalizes the nervous system.   

Depletion therapy According to Ashtang Sangraha it is one of dvividha upkarma(two kinds of therapy). It can be called as slimming therapy and indicated for those who are obese due to overeating. This therapy makes body thin and light. 

Mukha Lepanam 
This is a beauty therapy where rich ayurveda herbs are made into a paste and applied to the face in the form of a mask.

Nali Swedam

Rare treatment done with special herbs for arthiritis and other rheumatic complains.

Herbal medication of nasal is called nasya. In the medictaion the excess bodily humors that accumulate in the sinus, throat, nose or head is eliminated by the means of the nearest possible opening, the nose.   

Netra Dhara
Mild pouring of herbal decoction through the inner corners of the eyes is the core of this treatment. It is an excellent treatment for many common eye ailments. Pain, itching, watering, burning sensation, and reddish discoloration of the eyes are treated by this therapy. It cleans and removes various impurities from the eyes. The decoction used for this is made from black raisins, liquorice, berberis,myrobalan, lodh,sandalwood and honey.

Niruha (Basti)
An enema not of an oily kind. 

Type of massage is done with a hot medicinal mixture tied up in cloth pouches and is applied on the whole body. This treatment is recuperative and healthful. This therapy endows several benefits to a healthy person as well as to the ill. The therapy improves complexion of the skin, increases Pitha, promote digestion and restores vigor. 
It  revitalizes your skin and makes it glow. It prevents excessive sleep, but endows the patient with sound sleep during the night, is very effective - cures diseases of the nervous system, Chronic Rheumatism, Osteo Arthritis, Gout, Muscle Wasting, diseases caused by vitiation of Raktha (blood).

Full Body Ayurvedic massage with herbal oil and localized steam with milk.

Pichu is a palliative treatment for ailments of the head. A long piece of cloth (pichu) folded thickly and broader than the forehead is fixed around the head just above the ear level. A hole nearly one and a half inches wide is made in the front of the band. After preparatory procedures like an oil massage, the prescribed oil is applied on the head. A piece of cotton wad drenched in medicated oil is placed in the hole and allowed to remain there for some time. This process is repeated for a specific duration. Pichu, one of the Purvakarma therapy is considered effective for diseases of the cranial nerves arising from Vata disorder.

A massage therapy procedure using warm medicated oil is poured all over the body in a typical manner for a duration of one hour daily for one or two weeks, depending on the requirement of each body, as judged by the Ayurvedic Doctor.The oil is selected after careful analysis of the person's character, body construction (physiological constitution of each individual), digestive power, etc.
This is one of the best therapies for diseases caused by impaired functioning of the nervous system. This is a rejuvenation therapy as well and will prevent ageing scales and wrinkles,  used to cure rheumatism and arthritis.

It is a breathing exercise for purifying the blood and vitalizing the inner organs. The three aspects of this exercise are inhalation, retention and exhalation with the aim of increasing the span of each aspect and more controlled.  

Raktamokshana /Rakta Moksham)
This method is effective in curing rheumatic arthritis and skin diseases. Though it sounds very primitive way of treating, it is a very helpful process. Raktamokshana means removing vitiated blood from the body. It is a localized treatment . Extraction of vitiated blood from the body by using surgical instruments and other tools is known as Raktamokshana.                           
Types Of Rakta Mokshana :
1) Using surgical instruments 
 Method 1 : Pracchana: scratching with a sterile scalp is indicated to drain the accumulated blood from a particular point.
Method 2: Sira vedhana: Venepuncture is devised whenever vitiated blood circulates in the body.
2) Primitive Method of Jalouka Prayoga: It is a special method for removing the false blood using an organism named as jelooga (leech). These leeches are made to suck off the impure blood from a person. The leeches will leave the patient's body once they are full.

Shirodhara, or the dhara treatment given to head.  Shirodhara is a form of Ayurveda medicine that involves gently pouring liquids over the forehead (the 'third eye'). The liquids used in shirodhara depend on what is being treated, but can include oil, milk, buttermilk, coconut water, or even plain water. Shirodhara has been used to treat a variety of conditions including eye diseases, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, greying of hair, neurological disorders, memory loss, insomnia, hearing impairment, tinnitus, vertigo, Ménière's disease and certain types of skin diseases like psoriasis. It is also used non-medicinally at spas for its relaxing properties.

In this type of Dhara treatment medicated milk or oil is poured over the forehead in a rhythmatic manner. It is used in psychosomatic diseases like psoriasis with very good results. It also treats  headache, giddiness, pain and burning sensations of the palms and feet, diseases of eyes, ears, nose and throat. It is an excellent cure for chronic insomnia. Used for patients suffering from insomnia.

Sneha Panam
Snehapanam is an Ayurvedic therapeutic measure given to patients for the cure of gastroenterological ailments. Snehapanam is characterized by the oral intake of ghee (purified buttermilk) made from cow’s milk for internal purification before starting the panchakarma therapy (purva karma) or as a treatment. 
Snehapanam is considered beneficial in curing different conditions like osteo-arthritis, certain skin diseases like psoriasis and chronic constipation.

It is a non vedic form of yoga leading divine ecstasy through certain rites that emphasize the erotic and forbidden. It is also known as kundalini-yoga it is centered on the divine female power; rule, ritual, scripture, religious treatise, loom, warp.  

This is similar to Shirodhara but buttermilk is poured onto the forehead, instead of herbal oil.  It is very effective in combatting certain types of migraines, and other specific Pitta disorders, where a cooling and refreshing therapy is needed.

Special powder mixed with medicated oil applied on the top of the head for 20 to 45 minutes . This treatment is for ear, nose and throat problems, insomia, migraine and hypertension.

It is basically an eye-cleansing process. It gives a cooling effect to eyes. The medicated oil is retained over the eye bordered with a thick herbal combination. 

Therapy for obesity and rheumatic ailments. The entire body is massaged with herbal powders. Specific parts of the body can also be massaged as therapy for obesity

Ushma Swedam - Steam bath /sauna
This is a unique treatment and under this treatment leaves of medicinal plants are boiled and resulting steam is passed to the whole body. This treatment is helpful in to eliminate impurities from the body, reducing fat and also helpful in fighting with some skin diseases. This is also indicated as PURVAKARMA for Panchakarma procedures.                                                       

It is therapeutic vomiting.
Vamanam is administrated to eliminate the Kapha causing the excess mucus. All Kapha related diseases are cured by this therapy. This process requires good attention and skilled assistance. In chronic skin diseases like Psoriasis also vamanam is administered.
It is the medicated purgation; one of the pancha karma cleansing processes.

Major Body purification procedure in Panchakarma therapy. When there is congestion in the lungs causing repeated attacks of bronchitis, cold, cough. 

The word Yoga is derived from Sanskrit word "yug" which means to unite, to combine or to integrate. It is a state of union of parmaatma (Devine or supreme soul) with the Jeevatma (individual soul or consciousness). 

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