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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pancha Bhoota Healing - Healing with the 5 Elements

There are different layers of treating a disease based on its severity. If you fall down and hurt your leg, then you would do a topical application of an anti-inflammatory medicine to heal it. However, if there is an infection then you wouldhave to ingest medication to relieve the internal  inflammation/infection.  If there is internal organ damage or structural damage then you will undergo surgery.   All these approaches are still at the body level. Modern medicine has been successful in treating at the body level for past century.

However over the past few decades there is an increasing  understanding that mind has a significant effect on the body. This mind aspect is called the  "placebo effect". A placebo is a substance which may have a medical effect based solely on the individual's power of suggestion, an effect known as the placebo effect or placebo response.

Now in the last few years there is another deeper understanding that the intelligence field in the body of the person has deeper control over the mind and the body of the individual. We see that the pattern of body - mind - intelligence in the hierarchy. In Ayurveda,  there is another two in the hierarchy, the awareness and consciousness. These five aspects are deeply connected for the individual's overall life, health, healing and disease.

The Five Fold Hologram

 Right from the birth we try to perceive everything in this world in material "form" or Body.  Even using the word "I", we refer to our physical body. The same happens when we look outside to the world, identifying to all the forms of physical entities. We cannot relate to anything without a physical "body" or structure. Even those things we cannot perceive with our sense organs, we try to objectify as an image with our imagination.  So our world  is only full of objects, bodies, entities and images.
We connect to the world outside through our body sense organs.  The five sense organs are ears, skin, eyes, tongue and nose which help to perceive five physical attributes of this universe, which are sound, touch, sight, taste and smell.
 In summary, we owe our existence to our physical body. This is why the ancients referred to the body as the  "earth" element, because our life is on earth. Anything that is gross, solid, inert , the ancients referred to as body or earth. This earth is symbolized as the little finger of the hand.

Do our sense organs really perceive the physical world? No. There is something subtler than the body that is involved in perception. This is the mind or Mana (in Sanskrit). The physical eyes may be looking at an object, but if we are not mentally (mind) connected to the physical organ , there is no perception of that object. So it is the mind that brings reality to the body or the physical world. Without the mind there is no body. This we experience in sleep or when we are unconscious due to brain injury or anesthetized. So it is the mind that gives the body a reality.
However this mind is not solid like the body. The mind can change rapidly and flow or alternate between various sense perceptions. The mind also can flow backward in time and leap forward in time. Because of this fluid nature, the ancient's attributed the mind to the "water" element.
 The Vedic scholars said that like the fluid water solidifies into a solid block of ice, the body is nothing but the solidified energy of the mind.  The mind is represented by the ring finger. Wedding is the symbolic of the joining of two minds and hence a wedding ring is worn on the "mind" finger!

The sensory signals received by the body-sense-organs is perceived or translated as thoughts. Each thought refers to an object or image and we generate infinite number of such thoughts. The constant flux of thoughts is called as the mind. Interestingly, the thoughts are stream-lined into a logical information pattern by a subtler aspect called intelligence or Buddhi.
Without intelligence, mind would just be a random flow of thoughts without any logic in it.  In other words, intelligence illuminates the path for the mind to flow logically. Hence the ancients associated the "fire" element with intelligence. Our mind, are droplets of thoughts flowing like a river and  cannot be still. It flows  forward to the future or backwards to the past. The most important attribute of intelligence is that, it pulls the mind inward to the present moment, the being, the awareness. The intelligence ignites or fuses the mind to the inner awareness. Thus intelligence is the middle man between the mind and the inner awareness and hence symbolized as the middle finger.

 Only when we are alive we can feel our body, mind and intelligence. This aliveness is known as awareness. Without awareness, we are  dead.  It is the awareness that enlivens all the three aspects - the body, mind and intelligence. Like air is needed for the fire to burn,  awareness is needed for the fire of intelligence to propel the functioning of the mind and the body. Hence the ancients rightly called the awareness as the "air" element.
According to the ancient Vedic science, Awareness which we feel as liveliness is the most subtlest energy form. Like the water vapor that  condenses to form fluid water and finally solidifies to ice form, awareness-energy condenses to form the fluid mind and solid body. The sum total of awareness, intelligence, mind and body is called as Sakthi or energy. Modern quantum physics arrives at this same conclusion that the material world (matter) is only condensed Energy.
The irony is that without been able to still define "energy", our scientists have  technologically exploited various forms of energy for our physical comforts in life. The same way neuroscience without  able to define consciousness, exploits the technology of thoughts.  We as human beings also without knowing the definition of life we exploit the time and space on earth.The objective here is to give scientific (logical) holistic (complete) understanding of our existence. 

The puzzlingly fact is that we lose the awareness of the body, mind and intelligence during the dream-less deep sleep state. This state is called as consciousness by Vedic scholars. So in deep sleep state, the awareness of consciousness is never lost at any time because it is the consciousness that  is manifested as awareness, intelligence, mind and body. Being in awareness without being aware of intelligence, mind and body is known as consciousness. In other words consciousness is unconditional awareness (without any form).
Without consciousness nothing can exist. Everything exists in consciousness, the living, the dead, the moving, the immobile, the small, the big. Everything exists in space,  all existence come into "being" due to consciousness.  That is why the ancients  associated consciousness to the "space" element.
Like the thumb is needed for all the other fingers to function, without consciousness nothing can exist and function. So consciousness is symbolized as the thumb.
Like the thumb that remains untouched yet needed for other fingers, so is consciousness remains undisturbed by awareness, intelligence, mind and body. consciousness like the thumb does not depend on the other four, but all the four cannot function or exist without consciousness.  All the four - the awareness, intelligence, mind and body can be experienced, but not the consciousness, because it is the experiencer itself. This truth is not obvious to our normal state of mind and hence the ancients termed this truth to be secretive (Guhya) or  mystical.  Unfortunately common man took the statement literally and thought this truth should not be revealed to anyone. All revelations that people experience is this self-revealing  truth or knowledge.
These five  aspects of consciousness, awareness, intelligence, mind and body  are the fundamental to all attributes in this universe. This is mirrored in every walk of life. All the Vedic sciences and arts, medical science (Ayurveda), astronomy, astrology, philosophy, social structure were all based on this five aspects.


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