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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Gall-Nut Cleansing

Gall-nut cleansing - Haritaki or Terminalia chebula
     The night before dip 5 - 10 gm of gallnut powder or small pieces in 2 to 3 ounce of water (100 ml). Boil for 15 to 20 minutes in a covered vessel in a slow flame. Switch of the flame and add two to three grams of jaggery (palm sugar)  or brown sugar and  allow it to stay in this condition  for overnight.

        The above is the dose for adults. For children of ages between 3 to 8 use 1/4th (quarter dose) and for ages above 8 use  1/2th (half dose) the amount.

        Next day warm the extract and drink the whole extract early in the morning in empty stomach.  Lie down for 20 to 30 minutes on your right side (left side up). Then keep drinking hot water as much as you can in periods of 15 minutes. You will have three to four bowel movements.

        To stop bowel movements stop drinking hot water. Drink butter-milk (yogurt free from cream) to stop bowel movements. Till night eat only when you are hungry and eat light food with very less amount of fat.

Advantages of the Cleanse:

This is a powerful way of detoxification.

Some people tend to reduce body weight considerably within a few days after the cleanse.

This removes lot of mucus and so good for mucus related diseases , like frequent colds, low immunity, asthma etc.

It cleanses the intestines (colon) and also the liver.

It eliminates some parasites too.

It keeps you healthy by providing lot of anti-oxidants.

BY Shakti Foundation

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