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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Seasonal cleansing with Haritaki - Terminalia Chebula

This Ayurvedic herb is extolled for its effect as a Rasayana (Whole body energizers) therapy. This seasonal use of Terminalia chebula can be one of the cheapest and effective tool to elevate the health, detox the body and keep you free from diseases. Through the herbal detox process, this herb would prove to be adaptogenic.

Ayurveda describes six different seasons in the year - in each one of them the climatic conditions and weather is of particular nature. These are -  Shishira (Late Winter), Basanta (Spring), Grishama (Summer), Varsha (Rainy), Sharada (Autumn), Hemanta (Early winter).

It is not essential that all of these should come in a year at every place. Based on the geographical conditions of the place, the weather and the climatic condition of the place is controlled. Some places have all the six seasons. Some have only four - Winter, Rainy, Summer and Autumn. Some have three - Rainy, Summer and Autumn.

Ayurveda clearly advises the daily regime and the seasonal regime. If followed properly, these holistic lifestyle guidelines for diet, exercise, work etc could prove to be wonderful in maintaining good health and keeping the diseases away. 

The Benefits Of Using Ritu Haritaki:
In Ayurvedic Social and Preventive Medicine, the use of whole body tonic, specific organ or organ system energizers and adaptogenic herbs is praised for becoming healthier. In this regard seasonal Haritaki is a wonderful herb as it offers several benefits as -
Being cheap and easily available when stored properly.

Good for persons suffering from overweight, diabetes, hypertension, increased lipids and cholesterol in blood and other degenerative disorders as a result of improper nutrition characterized by overeating, eating a lot of oily and fried food, not doing exercises, taking junk foods.

It can be taken throughout the year with specific substances in different seasons. It would help in this way not only to maintain health help but to avoid the seasonal disturbances in bodily humors and other common seasonal diseases like diarrhea, cold, cough, flu etc.
Besides the adaptogenic effects, it would detoxify the body round the year.
It can be taken easily in several forms - cold infusion, hot infusion, tea, powder, extract tab or capsule.

The Forms & Dose Of Terminalia chebula For Use As Seasonal Haritaki:

The Cold Infusion: we can take terminalia chebula powders or small pieces in the quantity of 5 - 10 gm and dip in a glass of water at night. Next morning it should be filtered through the sieve or a cotton cloth or simply take the upper portion without sediments. It should be taken empty stomach and with the additive of that season.

Hot Infusion: Either in the previous night or early in the morning dip 5 - 10 gm of powder or small pieces in boiling water. Just after that put the pot down and let it stay in this condition for a few hours or for overnight. 

Take as advised above.

We can take 3 - 5 gm of powder
We can take capsule or tablet containing extract equivalent to 3 - 5 gm of powder.

How many times should Haritaki be taken?

While taking haritaki for seasonal rasayana purpose, it is advisable to take it in the morning and preferably empty stomach.

The  Additives Of Ritu Haritaki In Different Seasons:

Late Winter (15 Jan. to 15 March roughly) - With powder of Pepper (0.5 to 1.0 gm).

Spring (15 March to 15 April roughly) - With one or two teaspoonful of honey.

Summer (15 April to 15 June) - With Guda,  a sugar cane juice derivative. It is much better than white sugar. It is equivalent to organic sugar. . It is found to be good for balancing all the three bodily humors. And it can be further medicated by adding some herbs or spices.

Rainy season (15 June to 15 August) - With rock salt added to make the preparation a little bit salty.

Autumn (15 Aug. to 15 Oct.) - With Sugar or Sita, the sugar crystals made by some natives. This sugar is considered to be cold in nature.

Early Winter (15 Oct. to 15 Dec.) - With 1-2 gm of dry ginger powder.

The dosage of haritaki for seasonal  haritaki use should be kept constant - somewhere between 3 - 10 gm depending on the preparation that we may be using.

The seasonal additive should be added just before taking the haritaki or should be taken with haritaki.

Using seasonal Haritaki In Places With Less Than Six Seasons In A Year:

It is very common to find such places with one or two or three or four of the seasons described above even in India and many other countries. So let us check (a bit social information!) that how many seasons are in our place. Then, take haritaki with the additives of those seasons only. The seasons can last for more or less periods than two months. So gather information from grandparents and use terminalia chebula as ritu haritaki.

The Specific Benefits Of Seasonal Haritaki:

As most of the adaptogenic herbs promote only the vital energy, immunity and general health. This seasonal use of  haritaki preparation does achieve these effects and over deliver us more benefits - detoxification and  balancing the bodily humors throughout the year. The most important of it that it can be used round the year either singly or with any other herbal formulation.

BY Charaka Ayurveda Centre

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