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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

TCM: Other Causes of Diseases

Irregular Diet
Overeating or hunger: Voracious eating or hunger may give rise to disease. Hunger causes malnutrition and leads to an insufficient supply of qi and blood, which causes general body weakness. Overeating damages the digestive and absorptive functions, and manifests the symptoms of epigastric and abdominal distension and pain, belching, acid regurgitation, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.
Partiality for a particular kind of food: Food intake should be varied. In this way necessary nutrient substances are guaranteed. Partiality to a particular food may bring on disease due to insufficient nutrients. For example: long-term intake of polished white rice may cause beriberi; long-term drinking of iodine-deficient water may cause goiter; indulgence in spicy or boiling hot food may give rise to dryness of the mouth, halitosis, diabetes, etc.; indulgence in smoking, alcoholic drinks, or greasy and highly flavored food may produce pathological phlegm indigestion, stuffy chest, excessive sputum, or boils and ulcers.

Traumatic Injuries and Parasites
Traumatic injuries include incisions, gunshot and sword wounds, scalds and burns, contusions, sprains or animal stings and bites. Mild cases that only sustain injuries to the skin include pain, bleeding, bruises, and hematoma due to the obstruction of blood vessels. While severe cases may include injuries to the tendons, bones, and internal organs manifesting as joint dislocation, fracture, hemorrhage due to rupture of the internal organs, prostration, etc.

Blood Stagnation
Under normal conditions, blood circulates continually within the blood vessels at a certain speed. Any retarded circulation of blood or extravasated blood in spaces between the tissues may form blood stasis. its syndromes are characterized as follows: pain, hemorrhage, ecchymosis or petechia,mass tumor.

Phlegm-humor can form due to the accumulation of body fluids, therefore it has a close relationship to functional disorders of the lung, spleen, and kidney which control water metabolism. It may also be produced by an over-indulgence in alcohol or fatty and highly flavored foods, leading to stagnation of liver qi and derangement of the functional activities of qi.

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