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No matter where we may be in our health management, there is always something that can be done to enhance and contribute to our overall health. ! The desire is to foremost share, learn, make available and to revive the connection of self-responsibility to our overall health. We welcome you to visit the blog from time to time to expand on you already pre-existing knowledge of health management, to read interesting historical information, stories, testimonies of people’ s personal experiences with essential oils and adjunct body therapies as well as to leave your very own footprint of knowledge on the blog.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Food Cures

3 main aspects:
1. eat with the Qi
2. eat with the time
3. eat with flavour

  1. Try to eat local and in season food.
  2. Follow your body type needs and listen to what your body tells you about what you are eating.
  3. If you use your muscles more - like athletes and hard labor workers, the labor is hard on the tendons, recommended diet is to support the liver, stay away from too much pungent food (dry tendons).
  4. If you have a weak Spleen and Stomach ( s/s are puffy tongue, loose stools, poor appetite, bloating) do not eat foods that are too cold in the morning (e.g. orange juice, banana, cold yogurt, fruit smoothies, etc).This type of breakfast is more suitable for the person that shows Heat signs.
  5. Women have more taste buds than men - food with more diversity in flavors are best. 
  6. Men use their sense of smell more therefore food that stimulates the sense of smell is recommended because frangrance helps to dissipate liver stagnation chi that are more predominant in men.
  7. Have variety in your meals - at different times of the day foods affect you differently, just like we know not to drink coffee just before we go to bed!
  8. Listen to what your body wants, eat it (within reason), connect the mind and body, the body will tell you what it likes and what it needs, all you have to do is listen.
  9. Understand that what your body needs can change from time to time (after illness, season, time of day, etc) find techniques to listen regularly, i.e. daily meditation, silence, yoga, qigong.
  10. Be sure to not give people blanket statements about what to eat and what not to eat, as said above, things change.
  11. Do not give into research, it can only find physical elements within the food, experiment with foods and listen to what your body tells you about it.
  12. Tonify the Blood: carrots (liver, Spleen), beets, cherries, spinach, dark grapes, marrow, easily digestable grains, raspberries
  13. Tonify Kidney Qi: animal kidneys, lobster, lamb, seeds, dry nuts, rosehips, beans, turnip, raspberry, sprouts, blueberry
  14. Tonify Lung: almond, dry apricots
  15. Tonify Liver: cranberry, blueberry, mulberry, raspberry

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