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Monday, February 11, 2013

Principles for Weight Loss

These principles aim to expel excessive imbalances contributing to obesity.
Several principles are usually combined in real practice.
However, if individuals are under-functioning in the spleen and kidneys, then tonifying
 ( fortification, strengthening) treatments should be considered.
They help to build up the qi (vital energy) inside the body as well as facilitate restoring balance to the body’s humours.

1. Harmonize the digestion and stomach to promote fat digestion
  • excess amount of greasy foods such as sweet cakes and fried meats.
  • The stomach will have trouble digesting these foods, and thus they will be detained in it.
  •  Symptoms such as distention in the gastric and abdominal areas, backward flow of stomach contents into the mouth, foul breath and a greasy coating on the tongue may be present.
2. Activate the blood to remove the stasis
  • High levels of lipids (fats) in the blood that lead to sclerosis of blood vessels are regarded as a phenomenon of blood stasis
  • Methods of activating the blood flow and removing blood stasis not only promote the blood flow, they can also help to lower the lipid content in the blood and decelerate the sclerosis process.
3. Remove the stagnation of the liver and gall bladder
  • The liver plays an important role in qi (vital energy) circulation, as well as the enhancement of food digestion and blood flow.
  • The gall bladder secretes bile and aids in the digestive process.
  • Proper functioning of the liver and the gall bladder assists the break down of fat.
4. Induce diuresis (excretion of urine) and eliminate dampness
  • Obesity involves the disorder of fluid metabolism.
  • When there is dysfunction of distribution or excretion of body fluids
  • symptoms can present such as swollen eyelids, edema (retention of fluid in the tissues), obesity or other conditions.
  • Inducing diuresis (excretion of urine) is a direct way to promote the elimination of excessive dampness (sluggishness, tiredness, heavy limbs and heaviness in the forehead. Any bodily discharges will tend to be sticky and turbid and the tongue will have a sticky coat.)
5. Induce purgation by promoting bowel movements
  • An obese body gathers too much turbid waste and fatty tissues.
  • The large intestine is usually under-functioning and constipation can also add to the problem.
  • Promoting regular bowel movements reinforce excretion and eliminate body wastes.

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