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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Bowel Cleansing

 Chinese medicine offers some foods you can eat to help clear the colon, and the Lungs for that matter, because these two organs are interrelated energetically.

The first recommendation for creating a colon cleanse is this - add spicy foods to your diet. 
They actually protect and cleanse at the same time. 
Spicy foods help to disperse the stuck, mucous laden energy of the lungs and the large intestine (colon). 
It's the build up of sticky thick mucous (we call it dampness or phlegm in Chinese medicine) that is pathological or disease causing.

All spicy foods benefit these organs. 
They include chillies, hot peppers, onions, garlic, turnip, ginger, horseradish, cabbage, radish, daikon, and white peppercorn. 
Eating these foods when raw actually makes them more powerful. But cooking them slightly won't take off too much of the potency.

On the other hand, if you're prone to anger, try to balance it out, because too much hot spicy foods will overheat the Liver, which is especially affected by feelings of anger, frustration, and resentment.

The following foods are good for mucous membrane renewal because they remove the old thick mucousy deposits and replace them with a clean moist coating. 
The best foods for this include the seaweeds, fenugreek, and flax seed.

Grind your own flax seed. 
This way, it's always fresh and never rancid. 
You also get the goodness from the entire food, which is far more beneficial than just the oil.
 As a preventative, use whole ground flax seed. 
It also happens to be the cheapest way to buy flax.

Here's the best way to take flax seed.

3 teaspoons flax seed = 4 tablespoons ground flax seed

1. Grind in blender or coffee grinder.
2. Put in glass. 
3. Pour beverage (juice, water, almond milk)
4.Let sit for 15 minutes.
5. Drink it up.

Important: be sure to drink water throughout the day or this can be constipating. 
Avoid excessive amounts of coffee or avoid it altogether.

Next, dark green vegetables as well as golden-orange vegetables are extremely beneficial in a colon cleanse regimen. 
The rich sources of of beta-carotene have a protective effect on the surfaces and the mucous membranes of your body. 
These vegetables will boost your immune system, of which your Lungs and a clean colon is a part of.
The best beta-carotene foods are: carrot, winter squash, pumpkin, broccoli, parsley, kale, turnip, mustard greens, watercress, wheat grass, and barley grass.

The greens are especially important because the chlorophyll in them, boosts the immune systems by inhibiting viruses.
It helps the lungs to discharge toxic chemicals from all kinds of noxious fumes, coal dust, and cigarette smoke.

If you're eating a diet rich in a variety of plant foods, you'll be sure to get enough fibre simply from preparing your own wholesome meals and eating in a calm environment. 
The best way to do a colon cleanse is to eat a consistently good diet every day in order to have regular bowel movements every single day.

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