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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Spleen Chi Deficiency

The Spleen in Chinese Medicine is responsible for much of the digestive process. 
The Spleen works with the Stomach to extract life giving and supporting nutrients from the food that you eat. 
From there it then sends what what fluids and essences it has refined to the Lungs for further process and nurturing. 
The Spleen is responsible for the creation of the Qi that is required to sustain ones daily energy, along with blood and holding your internal organs in place. 
When the Spleen is weakened by improper food, excess intellectual stress, excessive worry or other factors, all of these processes will become inefficient and create disharmony. 
The following for usual manifestations of this deficiency.

Appetite: Low or No Morning Hunger
Appetite: None
Bowel Movements: Constipation
Bowel Movements,:Loose Stools
Bowel Movements: Undigested Food
Constitution: General Weakness
Cough: Chronic
Cravings: Sweet Flavors or Carbs
Diet: Breads, Pastries, Carbs
Diet: Sweets, Chocolate
Difficulty Gaining Weight
Difficulty Losing Weight
Digestion: Bloating or Abdominal Distention
Digestion: Slow Processing or Peristalsis
Digestion: Tired After Meals
Emotion: Excess Worry, Dwelling
Energy: Exhaustion
Energy: Fatigue, Chronic
Energy: Generally Low
Headaches: Dull, Non Specific
Headaches: Frontal
Headaches: Sinus Pressure
Immune: Frequent Cold's or Flu's
Immune: Prolonged Cold or Flu
Muscle: Bruise Easily
Muscle: Decrease, Undernourished
Muscle: Difficulty in Building Muscle Tissue and Strength
Muscle: Weak Tone
Organs: Prolapsed
Pain: Joint, Due to Edema
Phlegm: Excess and Clear, After Eating
Phlegm: Excess and Clear, Chronic
Phlegm: Excess and Clear, Upon Waking
Respiration: Short of Breath
Skin: Clammy, Sweaty [Cool]
Skin: Non Healing Sores
Sleep: Hard To Fall Sleep
Sweating: None
Sweating: Spontaneous
Sweating: With Minimal Exertion
Thirst: Never Thirsty
Vocalization: Soft, Very Quiet
Vocalization: Throat Phlegm, Constantly Clearing
Water Retention: Edema of Arms and Legs
Water Retention: Edema of Midsection
Water Retention: Facial Puffines
Water Retention: Increased Ear Pressure
Water Retention: Increased Eye Pressure
Water Retention: Muscle Pain, Lumps
Yeast Infection: Vaginal, White Without Odor

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