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Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Mother - Spleen

The Spleen Organ System is considered the center or mother nourishing your internal organs,
 by holding them into place as compared with the sun's gravity affecting the surrounding planets. 

The Spleen is known as the water pump focusing in on the body's initial water metabolic state. 
It houses the intelligence, controls appetite and the digestive function of extracting micro-essence from food and water, regulates the immune system, builds blood, nourishes the muscles, controls the blood within the vessels, promotes fast wound and bruise healing conditions.

The spleen function is damaged by over-thinking/dwelling/pensiveness, is affected by the emotions of selfishness and selflessness and is damaged by dampness and cold. 
When the Spleen is weak it can manifest in many different patterns leading to disharmonies such as slow or no muscle growth, lowered intelligence, a weak appetite or digestive ailments and usually water weight gain. 
The Spleen's direct correlation with thought, worry, intelligence and digestive processes can be present with anyone especially involved in the area of education or any position requiring a great amount of brain power -- for example: research scientist, lawyers, teachers, computer programmers, paramedics and nurses.
  Combine incorrect eating habits with fast food and intense studying and the Spleen has been set up for depletion.

The Spleen assists in controlling over or under-weight patterns.
It has an upward, lifting energy, its season is late summer, is represented by the color of yellow and is associated with the flavor of sweetness. 

Since the Spleen is responsible for all of these functions, it is inadvertently responsible for nourishing all of your organs by supplying the Qi and Blood needed for them to fulfill their functions, much like a mother is responsible for nourishing their own household.

Since the Spleen is mother of the Lungs, which are in charge of Wei Qi or immune energy, its health has a direct relationship to your immune response. 
The Spleen is also the initial builder of Blood in breaking down the micro-essence of food and water so its optimum function is very important. 
Why is it that some people are sick all the time while others, in the same environmental situation, can avoid a pathogenic invasion? 
It may be in what they eat, and most importantly, how they digest and transform water and food.
 A formula of herbs that may be used to promote the immune system.
The Spleen is also said to be in charge of the exocrine and endocrine glands such as the thyroid, pineal gland, pancreas, hypothalamus and lymph system. 
An important and delicate humeral and hormonal balance, as seen through the eyes of the Chinese medicine, relies on the balance and harmonization of the Spleen.

Spleen disharmonies:

Weak digestion
Low appetite
Low energy[chronic fatigue]
Loose stools/constipation
Excessive dwelling
Weak or low muscle tone
Low immune
Joint and muscle pain
Weak constitution
Shortness of breath or perspiration upon excretion
Post surgery, chemo/radiation or childbirth
Easily bruised skin
Slow healing process
Facial or body edema

Other areas in regards to a weak Spleen Organ System may be related to joint pain, physical sluggishness, chronically tired or muscle ache and pain. 
When your Spleen and Stomach Qi are properly maintained your body will be in good health.
Since the Spleen has a lifting energy, when deficient, it may be a source of physical organ prolapse or even emotional depression. A common pattern seen through the eyes of a Chinese Medicine, as related to the Spleen , is the Liver invading the Spleen in which the Liver will have an adverse affect on the Spleen.

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