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No matter where we may be in our health management, there is always something that can be done to enhance and contribute to our overall health. ! The desire is to foremost share, learn, make available and to revive the connection of self-responsibility to our overall health. We welcome you to visit the blog from time to time to expand on you already pre-existing knowledge of health management, to read interesting historical information, stories, testimonies of people’ s personal experiences with essential oils and adjunct body therapies as well as to leave your very own footprint of knowledge on the blog.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Balsam Fir (Idaho) Essential Oil

Balsam Fir Essential Oil has been used traditionally for fever, rheumatic pain and any kind of respiratory or sinus infections. 
It contains d-limonene as the other fir oils; however white fir essential oil has a higher antioxidant value than balsam fir.
Balsam For oil is also very soothing to rheumatic pain, and great for muscles (or joints and tendons) that have been overworked or are tired. 
Unlike White and Douglas Fir oils, balsam fir has been also used for back pain and, heart and chest pains.
The Bible mentions fir 21 times.
 Thirteen times as a tree and eight times as lumber.
 However, the Bible didn't mention which fir tree.
The Balsam Fir Tree is also called Canada Balsam.
 Balsam Fir Tree resin is used in glass slides and optical lenses as an adhesive.
The oleoresin of Balsam Fir has been used for ritual and spiritual purposes.

What is the Genus Species:
Abies balsamea

Remember, many companies may use a substitute species or a combination of species that will not offer the therapeutic benefit you are looking for. 
Even though they may share some similar properties they are not at all the same.

Where is the name derived from:
 The name White Fir comes from its Latin scientific name "abies" meaning "fir trees" and "balsamea" meaning "balsam like".

What Part of the Plant is Used:
 Leaves and branches

What is the ORAC Value:
 20,500 µTE/100g

Why know about this number:
ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity.
 It tells you the antioxidant capacity of a food item. 
Antioxidants have shown to reduce the risk of age related conditions and cancer! 
This was developed by the USDA researchers.
 For instance: Spinach = 1,400; Clove = 1,078,700.

What are the Plant Properties;
Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, expectorant, sedative, tonic and anticoagulant.

What are the Documented Balsam Fir Benefits and Uses:
 Anxiety, asthma, infections (respiratory, sinus, bronchitis, flu, colds, chronic cough, urinary tract), rheumatism, nervous tension, stress related conditions, wounds, sore and tired muscles, joints and tendons, back pain, sciatica, lumbago, and scoliosis.

It may reduce cortisol levels and enhance the production of human growth hormone (hGH).

What is the Aromatic Affect on the Mind:
 It is physically grounding and relaxing. 
Its sweet and clean scent has balsamic and woody overtones.

What is the Spiritual Influence:
 Balsam fir oil will ground the body and empower the mind. 
It will bring emotional balance to the mind and body by aligning the sacral and heart chakras. 
It is good for those who get out of balance emotionally (or moody) very easily.

By the way, any of the oils that are from trees (Western Red Cedar, Palo Santo, Cedarwood, Frankincense, etc) will provide stabilization, grounding and security to our being, physically and emotionally.

How do I use it:

Use diluted - 50:50 dilution (one part essential oil: one part of grapeseed oil). Then,

Apply several drops (2-4) on location
Apply to reflex points
Directly inhale
Diffuse, or
Dietary Supplement

Good oil for the First Aid Kit;

Can this Oil be used for Pets:
 Yes, but once again, dilute!
 Do not use for cats.

Note about Animal Use: 
Certain oils can be very toxic to cats. 
Citrus and pine products and oils in particular. 
Please consult your vet if you are not sure about applying any essential oil to your pet.

What are the Safety Precautions:
First, only use therapeutic grade essential oils when wanting healing results.
 Because it is approved as a Food Additive (FA) and Flavoring Agent (FL) by the FDA, Balsam Fir Oil is readily available on the market in many different qualities.

Could result in skin irritation (dilution is recommended). 
Avoid sunlight for 3 to 6 hours after use.

Although it may be used as a dietary supplement, it is advised not to use it in this manner for children under 6 years of age.

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