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No matter where we may be in our health management, there is always something that can be done to enhance and contribute to our overall health. ! The desire is to foremost share, learn, make available and to revive the connection of self-responsibility to our overall health. We welcome you to visit the blog from time to time to expand on you already pre-existing knowledge of health management, to read interesting historical information, stories, testimonies of people’ s personal experiences with essential oils and adjunct body therapies as well as to leave your very own footprint of knowledge on the blog.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Essential Oil Blends: Purification

Purification Essential Oil is a perfect blend for killing odors such as cigarette smoke, mildew and mold. 
Use in remedies for pet odors and diffuse in kennel and barn.
The oils all have antibacterial, antiseptic and sanitizing properties which also makes Purification great for insect bites, cuts and scrapes. 
Use in natural insecticide recipes and use in fly spray for horses.
Diffuse it in all the rooms that you don’t like to spend time in because of the odor. 
This includes the bathroom, garage, basement or barn.
 If you plan to have a party, this is a perfect blend to diffuse before, during and after.

What is in Purification Oil:
 There are six different essential oils in Purification. 
They are listed below along with a brief description of each oil.

•    Lemongrass Esential Oil (Cymbopobon nardus) has antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. It is purifying and uplifting.

•    Melaleuca alternifolia Essential Oil (Tea Tree Oil) has antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-infectious and antifungal properties. Great for skin conditions.

•    Rosemary Essential Oil (Rosmarinus officinalis CT cineol) has antiseptic and anti-infectious properties. Reduces mental fatigue and eases anxiety.

•    Myrtle Essential Oil (Myrtus communis) has antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-infectious properties. It is a decongestant and excellent for the respiratory and the immune system.

•    Lavandin Essential Oil (Lavandula x hybrid) has antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is a strong tissue regenerator.

•    Citronella Essential Oil (Syzygium aromaticum) has antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal, anti-inflammatory, insect repelling and insecticidal properties. It also deodorizes and sanitizes. Use in remedies for pet odors.

What are the Documented Uses for Purification Essential Oil:
 Infections (viral, bacterial, respiratory), antiseptic, immune stimulant, killing odors, mold killer, disinfectant, air and laundry freshener, insecticidal, insect bites and repellant, sterilizing cuts and wounds, neutralizing poison from bites (bees, wasps, spiders, hornets, ants, etc) and household cleaner.

What Body Systems are Affected:
 Digestive and Skin.

What is the Aromatic Affect on the Mind:
 Uplifting and refreshing.

What is the Spiritual Influence:
 Diffusing Purification in a room will purify and cleanse negative emotions and vibrations. 
Spray some in an emotionally charged room or in your work space, especially if there is anger, violence or chaotic energy. 
Or use it as you would Sage Essential Oil or Western Red Cedar Essential Oil in a cleansing spiritual ritual.

This is a fantastic oil for when we need support in seeing our patterning as it relates to abandonment, rejection, or the fear of being alone.
 It also can calm anger and conflict and bring back purity of thought and restore order.
 It opens the sacral chakra and soothes the nervous system.

How do I use it:
Use diluted - 50:50 dilution (one part essential oil: one part of grapeseed). Then,

•    Apply several drops (2-4) on feet, ears and temples

•    Apply to reflex points

•    Directly inhale, or

•    Diffuse.

Good oil for the First Aid Kit:

Can this oil be used for Pets:

Use it on dogs and the horses.
 It’s great as an insect repellent including ticks; and for bites, skin conditions and cuts. 
Use it in lieu of hydrogen peroxide or iodine for wounds and cuts.
 Purification essential oil for anything fungal related including dog and horse skin problems. 
This includes scratches, tail and mane itching, etc.
Place a few drops right on top of the tail and usually a horse stops scratching his tail immediately. Mix in a drop or two of Melrose Essential Oil that way all the fungal and bacterial bases are covered.

The horses (and riders) really love the smell of Purification essential oil.

Note about animals:
 Certain oils can be very toxic to cats. 
Citrus products and oils in particular that are not of therapeutic grade.
 Please consult your vet if you are not sure about applying any essential oil to your pet.

What are the Safety Precautions:
 Repeated use can result in extreme contact sensitization.
 Can be irritating to sensitive skin. 
Possible photosensitivity.

Place a drop in your laundry or put a drop on a wet sock and place in your clothes dryer.
 Then throw away the dryer sheets.
Add to paint to reduce fumes.

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