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Friday, December 16, 2011

Ayurveda and the pathology of smell

Ayurveda says that everything in this universe is made up of 5 elements so is our body.
From Akasha (Ether) came the Shrotendriya (organ of hearing) 
From Vayu (Air) came the Tvagindriya (organ of touch) 
From Agni (Fire)came the Chakshrindriya (organ of vision) 
From Jala (Water)came the Jihvendriya (organ of taste) 
and From Prithvi (Earth)came the Ghranendriya (organ of smell).

It must be borne in mind that Indriya does not mean the physical organ,these are are sense perception medias. Thus it carries connotations of dominance or control. For example, the nose is an organ. In it is situated a subtle Indriya called Nasa (nose). If this Indriya is defective, the person will not be able to smell although his nostrils are normal. Just as Prana is vital for the
physical body,Indriyas are vital for the organs of perception. It should therefore be understood that the subtle elements give rise to the Indriyas and not the organs."
The Ayurvedic texts define the source of all disease and suffering as    pragyaparadh, or "the mistake of the intellect." This occurs when individuals (or even single cells) "forget" their connection with the wholeness of life and believe themselves to be isolated entities. Creating, and then eating, genetically engineered foods exposes us to    pragyaparadh.
We are all threads in the fabric of creation, say ancient    Ayurvedic texts. To believe ourselves to be the weavers, capable of successfully manipulating nature's intelligence, is a symptom ofpragyaparadh—and the assumption reveals our ultimate    naiveté.The genetic program of a living organism is vastly more powerful and more complex than limited human intelligence.
To keep our nasal strength good we all must be very careful for the smells. Be it in the form of perfumes, aromas, spices, cooking, fumes, or smoke.

By Ayurpatra - Ayurveda India

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