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Monday, December 19, 2011

Cause and symptoms of anosmia

Anosmia occurs from either an obstruction in the nose or nerve damage. An obstruction prevents odors from reaching the delicate nerve fibers of the nose. The most common cause of    anosmia is nasal occlusion caused by rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal membranes). If no air gets to the olfactory nerves, smell will not happen. In turn,    rhinitis and nasal polyps (growths on nasal membranes) are caused by irritants.

Anosmia can also follow a head injury or an acute or chronic attack of allergies. Many medications may change or decrease the ability to detect odors. The sense of smell is often lost with disorders like tumours, or surgery of the brain. It may also be due to zinc deficiency. Tobacco smoking is the most concentrated form of pollution that most people will ever be exposed to. It impairs the ability to identify odors. Hormonal disturbances or dental problems are also a cause.    Anosmia can occur as a part of other loss of function of the brain.

With the loss of sense of smell there can also be a loss of taste. Distortion of function-foods or odors that normally are pleasant may taste or smell odd or distorted, perhaps with an unpleasant smell. Victims may not be able to distinguish    flavours .

By Ayurpatra - Ayurveda India

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