Welcome to Spikenard and Myrrh!

No matter where we may be in our health management, there is always something that can be done to enhance and contribute to our overall health. ! The desire is to foremost share, learn, make available and to revive the connection of self-responsibility to our overall health. We welcome you to visit the blog from time to time to expand on you already pre-existing knowledge of health management, to read interesting historical information, stories, testimonies of people’ s personal experiences with essential oils and adjunct body therapies as well as to leave your very own footprint of knowledge on the blog.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Restoring the memories - a formula

The following is excerpted from Aromatherapy: A Lifetime Guide to Healing with Essential Oils by Valerie Gennari Cooksley.

‘The brain remains a mystery in many ways. Scientists are still puzzled about the multitude of functions and capabilities the human brain possesses. Memories can be triggered by any of the senses, but the strongest association is made through the sense of smell.’

Energize Me

A stimulating foot bath:
2 drops Pine essential oil Pine-8
2 drops Rosemary essential oil
1 drop Clary Sage essential oil
1 drop Peppermint essential oil
2 Tablespoons of Bath Salts (Even Epsom salts will work)
Basin of cold water
A Towel

Mix the essential oils in the bath salts. Add the aromatic salts to the basin of cold water and stir with your hands. Sit comfortably in a chair, allowing your feet to soak in the foot bath for 20 minutes. Sit quietly while doing some deep breathing exercises. Page 252.

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