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Friday, December 23, 2011

Managing anosmia holistically

MANAGEMENT - Treatment depends on the cause of a smell or taste disorder. Nasal steams with essential oils offer relief of the blockage and    tonification of the membranes.
Karpooradi oil,Eucalyptus oil can be used in nasal steam.

Jala Neti-- Blockages can sometimes be resolved through    naso-specific therapy--a way of realigning the nasal cavities.Neti can be called a "nasal douche". Take warm water, which is slightly above the body temperature. Add salt to this water at the rate of half a teaspoon per glass of 300 ml. This is equal to the salinity of the mucous secretions in the respiratory system. Saturated salt water has
high osmotic pressure. It is a law in physics that fluid flows from low osmotic pressure to higher osmotic pressure. In inflammatory conditions of nasal cavity including sinuses, there is congestion and edema of nasal mucosa. Naturally during " Jalaneti" fluid from mucosal cells comes out which relieves the congestion and edema very fast. This helps in better functioning of    mucosal cells and also opens up closed openings of the sinuses in nasal cavity.
In our nose there are nerve endings of olfactory nerve, which are responsible for our sense of smell. During " Jalaneti" these nerve endings are stimulated by saline that give us very pleasant sensations. These pleasant sensations have a very beneficial effect on    centre of emotions located in limbic systems of brain. Thus    Neti improves sensitivity of the olfactory nerves, helping to restore lost sense of smell, and thereby benefits the relationship with taste and the digestive processes.

Nasya -It is a process by which drug is administered through the nostrils.    Nasyakarma enhance the activity of sense organs and prevent the diseases of head (    urdhwanga). The nose is the gateway to the brain and to consciousness. Prana or vital energy enters the body through breath taken in through the nose. Nasal administration of medication helps to correct the disorders of    prana affecting the higher cerebral, sensory and motor functions.    Nasya is indicated for dryness of the nose, sinus congestion, hoarseness, migraine headache,    neurodegenerative conditions (i.e. multiple sclerosis), convulsions and certain eye and ear problems.

Shiroabhyanga - The head massage serves to open the    srotas in the head, neck and shoulder regions. This treatment nourishes the five senses by focusing on the    ‘marma points’, many of which are located around the head. These points, when gently massaged have a hugely calming and balancing effect throughout the body and nervous system.
Herbs and formulations – Tulsi,Ginger,Garlic,Cloves,Vyoshadi    vati,, Agastya haritaki, Lavangadi churna,Panchamrit ras, Nardiya Laxmivilas Ras are useful herbs and combinations in this disorder.

You may consult our Ayurveda experts through on line consultation or personally.

By Ayurpatra - Ayurveda India

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