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Monday, August 13, 2012

Autumn foods: pineapple, pear and white fungus.

Things begin to fall and mature in autumn; yin qi starts to predominate and yang qi begins to wane. The weather is dry which, according to TCM, mostly affects the lungs. It is advisable to eat more food with sour flavors and reduce pungent flavors. 
Sour flavors are cool in energy, and tend to move downward, it benefits the lungs' functioning. Some people become lacking in yin fluid, experience dryness in the mouth and throat, rough skin, nasal bleeding, hair loss, and occasionally, even constipation. 
Therefore glossy foods can act as lubriciant and promote body fluid production, examples of such foods include sesame, honey, dairy products, pineapple, pear, loquat fruit, sugar cane, lily, banana and white fungus. All these moisturize internal dryness caused by lack of body fluid, and restore normal functioning of the lungs.

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