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No matter where we may be in our health management, there is always something that can be done to enhance and contribute to our overall health. ! The desire is to foremost share, learn, make available and to revive the connection of self-responsibility to our overall health. We welcome you to visit the blog from time to time to expand on you already pre-existing knowledge of health management, to read interesting historical information, stories, testimonies of people’ s personal experiences with essential oils and adjunct body therapies as well as to leave your very own footprint of knowledge on the blog.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Reiki 霊気 - Universal Life Healing Energy

Reiki is laying on hands healing. It was rediscovered by a Japanese monk called Mikao Usui. 
This is an ancient form of healing where the Universal Life Force - Chi is utilized by focusing on the area of need. It is a non-invasive technique, utilizing placement of hands on specific areas of the body where the healing energy is focused.
It was brought to the United States by Madame Takata an American of Japanese descent.

Mikao Usui
Practitioners are attuned to the Reiki method of healing. There are 3 degrees of attunement with the third degree being the Master/Teacher Level.
Reiki is a holistic therapy which involves the healing of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. The healing energy is transfered to the recipient. The session of healing involves a whole body session. The individual will not have to disrobe therefore it is an excellent technique for those with modesty concerns.

Some Of The Reiki Healing Health Benefits:
Creates deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension,
It accelerates the bodie's self-healing abilities,
Aids better sleep,
Reduces blood pressure
Can help with accute (injuries) and chronic problems (asthma, eczema, headaches, etc.) and aides the breaking of addictions,
Helps relieve pain,
Removes energy blockages, adjusts the energy flow of the endocrine system bringing the body into balance and harmony,
Assists the body in cleaning itself from toxins,
Reduces some of the side effects of drugs and helps the body to recover from drug therapy after surgery and chemotherapy,
Supports the immune system,
Increases vitality and postpones the aging process,
Raises the vibrational frequency of the body,
Helps spiritual growth and emotional clearing

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